

We exceeded 1,000,000 visitors

We exceeded 1,000,000 visitors

The website of the International Centre on Ageing has exceeded 1,000,000 visits. In its total time of existence, more than 400,000 users have passed through the different pages of the website, exceeding 500,000 sessions, the website being the main point of contact with people interested in the activities and actions that are developed.

The CENIE website is dedicated to giving voice to the different activities and projects that have been and are being carried out within the structure of the Centre. We talk about important events such as Conversations in Salamanca or the Researchers' Meeting. The implementation of new blogs dedicated to coordinated research programmes or innovative projects, the launch of the Photography Competition, which had an excellent impact in its first edition, the recent Programme for a Longevity Society... All these elements and initiatives have led to these figures for which we can only thank all of you who have made it possible.

We would also like to highlight the reception in countries such as Spain, provider of 28% of our traffic, Brazil with 13.90% and Portugal with 10%. 

The International Centre on Ageing (CENIE), promoted by the Fundación General de la Universidad de Salamanca, Fundación General Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Direção-Geral da Saúde and Universidade do Algarve, within the framework of the INTERREG V-A Programme, Spain-Portugal, 2014-2020, (POCTEP), of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), is well aware of all of the above; therefore, it tries to ensure that its web platform,, is up to the expectations of the interests of users. This is why we are pleased with the acceptance and recognition that we have received, for which we are once again very grateful.